.. _use-cases: Common Haskell Build Use Cases ============================== Starting a new project ---------------------- The fastest way to start a new project is:: $ curl https://haskell.build/start | sh The script checks that the version of Bazel installed on your system is known to be compatible with rules_haskell and creates a new Bazel workspace in the current working directory with a few dummy build targets. See the following sections about customizing the workspace. Making rules_haskell available ------------------------------ First of all, the ``WORKSPACE`` file must specify how to obtain rules_haskell. To use a released version, do the following:: load( "@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive" ) http_archive( name = "rules_haskell", # sha256 = "d1f0e1bd4f1d5e248b2882bfdc7c31a146112f9d85b9d2f0ef77e78d02ecba45", strip_prefix = "rules_haskell-0.19", url = "https://github.com/tweag/rules_haskell/releases/download/v0.19/rules_haskell-0.19.tar.gz", ) Picking a compiler ------------------ Unlike Bazel's native C++ rules, rules_haskell does not auto-detect a Haskell compiler toolchain from the environment. This is by design. We require that you declare a compiler to use in your ``WORKSPACE`` file. There are two common sources for a compiler. One is to use the official binary distributions from `haskell.org`_. This is done using the `ghc_bindist`_ rule. You don't normally need to call this rule directly. You can instead call the following macro, which exposes all binary distributions for all platforms (Bazel will select one during toolchain resolution based on the target platform):: load( "@rules_haskell//haskell:toolchain.bzl", "rules_haskell_toolchains", ) rules_haskell_toolchains( version = "X.Y.Z", # Any GHC version ) The compiler can also be pulled from Nixpkgs_, a set of package definitions for the `Nix package manager`_. Pulling the compiler from Nixpkgs makes the build more hermetic, because the transitive closure of the compiler and all its dependencies is precisely defined in the ``WORKSPACE`` file:: load( "@io_tweag_rules_nixpkgs//nixpkgs:nixpkgs.bzl", "nixpkgs_git_repository", ) nixpkgs_git_repository( name = "nixpkgs", revision = "19.03", # Any tag or commit hash ) load( "@rules_haskell//haskell:nixpkgs.bzl", "haskell_register_ghc_nixpkgs", ) haskell_register_ghc_nixpkgs( version = "X.Y.Z", # Any GHC version attribute_path = "ghc", # The Nix attribute path to the compiler. repositories = {"nixpkgs": "@nixpkgs"}, ) This workspace description specifies which Nixpkgs version to use, then invokes a workspace macro that exposes a Nixpkgs package containing the GHC compiler and registers this compiler as a toolchain usable by Bazel's Haskell rules. You can register as many toolchains as you like. Nixpkgs toolchains do not conflict with binary distributions. For Bazel to select the Nixpkgs toolchain during `toolchain resolution`_, set the platform accordingly. For example, you can have the following in your ``.bazelrc`` file at the root of your project:: build --host_platform=@io_tweag_rules_nixpkgs//nixpkgs/platforms:host .. _Bazel+Nix blog post: https://www.tweag.io/posts/2018-03-15-bazel-nix.html .. _Nix package manager: https://nixos.org/nix .. _Nixpkgs: https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/ .. _ghc_bindist: https://api.haskell.build/haskell/ghc_bindist.html#ghc_bindist .. _haskell.org: https://haskell.org .. _haskell_binary: https://api.haskell.build/haskell/defs.html#haskell_binary .. _haskell_library: https://api.haskell.build/haskell/defs.html#haskell_library .. _rules_nixpkgs: https://github.com/tweag/rules_nixpkgs .. _toolchain resolution: https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/toolchains.html#toolchain-resolution Loading targets in a REPL ------------------------- Rebuilds are currently not incremental *within* a binary or library target (rebuilds are incremental across targets of course). Any change in any source file will trigger a rebuild of all source files listed in a target. In Bazel, it is conventional to decompose libraries into small units. In this way, libraries require less work to rebuild. Still, for interactive development full incrementality and fast recompilation times are crucial for a good developer experience. We recommend making all development REPL-driven for fast feedback when source files change. Every `haskell_binary`_ and every `haskell_library`_ target has an optional executable output that can be run to drop you into an interactive session. If the target's name is ``foo``, then the REPL output is called ``foo@repl``. Consider the following binary target:: haskell_binary( name = "hello", srcs = ["Main.hs", "Other.hs"], deps = ["//lib:some_lib"], ) The target above also implicitly defines ``hello@repl``. You can call the REPL like this (requires Bazel 0.15 or later):: $ bazel run //:hello@repl This works for any ``haskell_binary`` or ``haskell_library`` target. Modules of all libraries will be loaded in interpreted mode and can be reloaded using the ``:r`` GHCi command when source files change. Configuring IDE integration with ghcide --------------------------------------- rules_haskell has preliminary support for IDE integration using `ghcide`_. The ghcide project provides IDE features for Haskell projects through the Language Server Protocol. To set this up you can define a `haskell_repl`_ target that will collect the required compiler flags for your Haskell targets and pass them to `hie-bios`_ which will then forward them to ghcide. Let's set this up for the following example project:: haskell_toolchain_library( name = "base", ) haskell_library( name = "library-a", srcs = ["Lib/A.hs"], deps = [":base"], ) haskell_library( name = "library-b", srcs = ["Lib/B.hs"], deps = [":base"], ) haskell_binary( name = "binary", srcs = ["Main.hs"], deps = [ ":base", ":library-a", ":library-b", ], ) We want to configure ghcide to provide IDE integration for all these three targets. Start by defining a ``haskell_repl`` target as follows:: haskell_repl( name = "hie-bios", collect_data = False, deps = [ ":binary", # ":library-a", # ":library-b", ], ) Note, that ``library-a`` and ``library-b`` do not have to be listed explicitly. By default haskell_repl will include all transitive dependencies that are not external dependencies. Refer to the API documentation of `haskell_repl`_ for details. We also disable building runtime dependencies using ``collect_data = False`` as they are not required for an IDE session. You can test if this provides the expected compiler flags by running the following Bazel command: bazel run //:hie-bios@bios Next, we need to hook this up to `hie-bios`_ using the `bios cradle`_. To that end, define a small shell script named ``.hie-bios`` that looks as follows:: #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail bazel run //:hie-bios@bios # Make warnings non-fatal echo -Wwarn >>"$HIE_BIOS_OUTPUT" Then configure `hie-bios`_ to use this script in the bios cradle with the following ``hie.yaml`` file:: cradle: bios: program: ".hie-bios" Now the hie-bios cradle is ready to use. The last step is to install ghcide. Unfortunately, ghcide has to be compiled with the exact same GHC that you're using to build your project. The easiest way to do this is in this context is to build it with Bazel as part of your rules_haskell project. First, define a custom stack snapshot that provides the package versions that ghcide requires based on `ghcide's stack.yaml`_ file. Let's call it ``ghcide-stack-snapshot.yaml``. Copy the ``resolver`` field and turn the ``extra-deps`` field into a ``packages`` field. Then add another entry to ``packages`` for the ghcide library itself:: # Taken from ghcide's stack.yaml resolver: nightly-2019-09-21 packages: # Taken from the extra-deps field. - haskell-lsp- - haskell-lsp-types- - lsp-test- - hie-bios-0.4.0 - fuzzy- - regex-pcre-builtin- - regex-base- - regex-tdfa- - shake-0.18.5 - parser-combinators-1.2.1 - haddock-library-1.8.0 - tasty-rerun-1.1.17 - ghc-check- # Point to the ghcide revision that you would like to use. - github: digital-asset/ghcide commit: "39605333c34039241768a1809024c739df3fb2bd" sha256: "47cca96a6e5031b3872233d5b9ca14d45f9089da3d45a068e1b587989fec4364" Then define a dedicated ``stack_snapshot`` for ghcide in your ``WORKSPACE`` file. The ``ghcide`` package has a library and an executable component which we need to declare using the ``components`` attribute:: stack_snapshot( name = "ghcide", # The rules_haskell example project shows how to import libz. # https://github.com/tweag/rules_haskell/blob/123e3817156f9135dfa44dcb5a796c424df1f436/examples/WORKSPACE#L42-L63 extra_deps = {"zlib": ["@zlib.hs"]}, haddock = False, local_snapshot = "//:ghcide-stack-snapshot.yaml", packages = ["ghcide"], components = {"ghcide": ["lib", "exe"]}, ) This will make the ``ghcide`` executable available under the Bazel label ``@ghcide-exe//ghcide``. You can test if this worked by building and executing ghcide as follows:: bazel build @ghcide-exe//ghcide bazel-bin/external/ghcide/ghcide-0.1.0/_install/bin/ghcide Write a small shell script to make it easy to invoke ghcide from your editor:: #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail bazel build @ghcide-exe//ghcide bazel-bin/external/ghcide/ghcide-0.1.0/_install/bin/ghcide "$@" And, the last step, configure your editor to use ghcide. The upstream documentation provides `ghcide setup instructions`_ for a few popular editors. Be sure to configure your editor to invoke the above wrapper script instead of another instance of `ghcide`. Also note, that if you are using Nix, then you may need to invoke ghcide within a ``nix-shell``. .. _ghcide: https://github.com/digital-asset/ghcide .. _haskell_repl: https://api.haskell.build/haskell/defs.html#haskell_repl .. _hie-bios: https://github.com/mpickering/hie-bios .. _bios cradle: https://github.com/mpickering/hie-bios#bios .. _ghcide's stack.yaml: https://github.com/digital-asset/ghcide/blob/39605333c34039241768a1809024c739df3fb2bd/stack.yaml .. _ghcide setup instructions: https://github.com/digital-asset/ghcide#using-with-vs-code Building Cabal packages ----------------------- If you depend on third-party code hosted on Hackage_, these will have a build script that uses the Cabal_ framework. Bazel can build these with the `haskell_cabal_library`_ and `haskell_cabal_binary`_ rules. However, you seldom want to use them directly. Cabal packages typically have many dependencies, which themselves have dependencies and so on. It is tedious to describe all of these dependencies to Bazel by hand. You can use the `stack_snapshot`_ workspace rule as described below to download the source of all necessary dependencies from Hackage, and extract a dependency graph from a Stackage_ snapshot. These rules are meant only to interoperate with third-party code. For code under your direct control, prefer using one of the core Haskell rules, which have more features, are more efficient and more customizable. Importing a Stackage snapshot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The `stack_snapshot`_ workspace rule interfaces with the Stack tool to resolve package versions and dependencies based on a given Stackage snapshot. It also downloads the packages sources and generates Bazel build definitions for the individual Cabal packages. This is how you import the Stackage LTS 20.3 snapshot :: stack_snapshot( name = "stackage", snapshot = "lts-20.3", packages = [ "base", "optparse-applicative", ], ) This will generate the labels ``@stackage//:base``, and ``@stackage//:optparse-applicative``, which you can use in the ``deps`` attribute of your Haskell targets. Note that ``base`` is a core package and its version is determined by the GHC toolchain and not the Stackage snapshot. Use the ``local_snapshot`` attribute to refer to a `custom Stack snapshot`_. Pinning ^^^^^^^ The ``stack_snapshot`` rule invokes ``stack`` for version and dependency resolution. By default this will happen on every fetch of the `external repository`_. This may require arbitrary network access, which can slow down the build. It may also lead to reproducibility issues, for example if a new revision of a Hackage dependency is published. Finally, ``stack`` downloading packages is opaque to Bazel and therefore not eligible for `repository caching`_. You can enable pinning to avoid these issues. In this case ``stack`` will be called only once to perform dependency resolution and the results will be written to a lock file. Future fetches will only read from that lock file and download packages in a way that is eligible for Bazel repository caching. 1. Generate a lock file by running ``bazel run @stackage-unpinned//:pin``. 2. Set the ``stack_snapshot_json`` attribute. :: stack_snapshot( ... stack_snapshot_json = "//:stackage_snapshot.json", ) Repeat step 1 when you change the ``stack_snapshot`` definition, e.g. the Stackage snapshot or the list of packages. Version overrides or Hackage dependencies ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can also depend on Hackage packages that are not part of a Stackage snapshot, or override the version of a package, by specifying the version in the ``packages`` attribute. :: stack_snapshot( ... packages = [ ... "optparse-helper-", ], ) Non-Haskell dependencies ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Some Hackage packages depend on C libraries. Bazel builds should be hermetic, therefore, such library dependencies should be managed by Bazel and declared explicitly. :: stack_snapshot( ... packages = [ ... "zlib", ], extra_deps = { "zlib": ["@zlib-deps//:libz"], }, ) This declares that the Stackage package ``zlib`` has an additional dependency ``@zlib-deps//:libz``. The C library ``libz`` could be imported using ``rules_nixpkgs``, or fetched and built by Bazel as follows. :: http_archive( name = "zlib-deps", build_file_content = """ load("@rules_cc//cc:defs.bzl", "cc_library") cc_library( name = "libz", # The indirection enforces the library name `libz.so`, # otherwise Cabal won't find it. srcs = [":z"], hdrs = glob(["*.h"]), includes = ["."], visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) cc_library(name = "z", srcs = glob(["*.c"]), hdrs = glob(["*.h"])) """, sha256 = "b5b06d60ce49c8ba700e0ba517fa07de80b5d4628a037f4be8ad16955be7a7c0", strip_prefix = "zlib-1.3", urls = ["https://github.com/madler/zlib/archive/v1.3.tar.gz"], ) Vendoring packages ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can inject a vendored or patched version of a package into the dependency graph generated by ``stack_snapshot``. For example, if you have a custom version of the ``hashable`` package in your repository under the label ``//third-party/hashable``, then you can inject it into a ``stack_snapshot`` as follows. :: workspace(name = "workspace-name") stack_snapshot( ... packages = [ ... "unordered-containers", ], vendored_packages = { "hashable": "@workspace-name//third-party/hashable", }, ) In this case the package ``unordered-containers`` will be linked against your vendored version of ``hashable`` instead of the version defined by the original Stackage snapshot. Note that ``stack_snapshot`` still needs a Cabal file of vendored packages for version and dependency resolution. In the above example the Cabal file should be a static file under the label ``//third-party/hashable:hashable.cabal``. The vendored package does not have to be local to your workspace. Instead, it could be an external repository imported by a rule such as ``http_archive``, ``local_repository``, or ``new_local_repository``. A common use-case is to patch version bounds as described below. Patching packages ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``vendored_packages`` attribute can be used to inject a patched version of a Hackage packages, for example one with patched Cabal version bounds. :: stack_snapshot( ... vendored_packages = { "split": "@split//:split", }, ) http_archive( name = "split", build_file_content = """ load("@rules_haskell//haskell:cabal.bzl", "haskell_cabal_library") load("@stackage//:packages.bzl", "packages") haskell_cabal_library( name = "split", version = packages["split"].version, srcs = glob(["**"]), deps = packages["split"].deps, visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) """, patch_args = ["-p1"], patches = ["@rules_haskell_examples//:split.patch"], sha256 = "1dcd674f7c5f276f33300f5fd59e49d1ac6fc92ae949fd06a0f6d3e9d9ac1413", strip_prefix = "split-", urls = ["http://hackage.haskell.org/package/split-"], ) The ``stack_snapshot`` rule emits metadata determined during dependency resolution into the file ``packages.bzl``. In the above example this file is used to avoid manually repeating the version and the list of dependencies of the ``split`` package, which is already defined in its Cabal file. .. _Cabal: https://haskell.org/cabal .. _Hackage: https://hackage.haskell.org .. _Stackage: https://stackage.org .. _haskell_cabal_library: https://api.haskell.build/haskell/cabal.html#haskell_cabal_library .. _haskell_cabal_binary: https://api.haskell.build/haskell/cabal.html#haskell_cabal_binary .. _stack_snapshot: https://api.haskell.build/haskell/cabal.html#stack_snapshot .. _custom Stack snapshot: https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/pantry/#snapshots .. _external repository: https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/external.html .. _repository caching: https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/guide.html#the-repository-cache Building Cabal packages (using Nix) ----------------------------------- An alternative to using Bazel to build Cabal packages (like in the previous section) is to leave this to Nix. Nix is a package manager. The set of package definitions is called Nixpkgs. This repository contains definitions for most actively maintained Cabal packages published on Hackage. Where these packages depend on system libraries like zlib, ncurses or libpng, Nixpkgs also contains package descriptions for those, and declares those as dependencies of the Cabal packages. Since these definitions already exist, we can reuse them instead of rewriting these definitions as build definitions in Bazel. See the `Bazel+Nix blog post`_ for a more detailed rationale. To use Nixpkgs in Bazel, we need `rules_nixpkgs`_. See `Picking a compiler`_ for how to import Nixpkgs rules into your workspace and how to use a compiler from Nixpkgs. To use Cabal packages from Nixpkgs, replace the compiler definition with the following:: haskell_register_ghc_nixpkgs( version = "X.Y.Z", # Any GHC version nix_file = "//:ghc.nix", build_file = "@rules_haskell//haskell:ghc.BUILD", repositories = { "nixpkgs": "@nixpkgs" }, ) This definition assumes a ``ghc.nix`` file at the root of the repository. In this file, you can use the Nix expression language to construct a compiler with all the packages you depend on in scope:: with (import { config = {}; overlays = []; }); haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (p: with p; [ containers lens text ]) Each package mentioned in ``ghc.nix`` can then be imported using `haskell_toolchain_library`_ in ``BUILD`` files. .. _haskell_toolchain_library: https://api.haskell.build/haskell/defs.html#haskell_toolchain_library Building incrementally ---------------------- By default, Haskell rules that build libraries or binaries with multiple modules will rebuild all of their modules after any change. This is because ``rules_haskell`` doesn't analyze the source code to discover dependencies between the modules. Instead, it pessimistically assumes that all the modules depend on every other. The user, however, can describe the dependencies between the modules, and avoid unnecessary recompilation by using the ``haskell_module`` rule.:: load("@rules_haskell//haskell:defs.bzl", "haskell_library") load("@rules_haskell//haskell/experimental:defs.bzl", "haskell_module") haskell_module( name = "LibMod1", src = "src/LibMod1.hs", src_strip_prefix = "src", deps = [":LibMod2"], # set to True if TemplateHaskell is needed enable_th = True, ) haskell_module( name = "LibMod2", src = "src/LibMod2.hs", src_strip_prefix = "src", ) haskell_library( name = "lib", # Must choose either one of srcs or modules # srcs = ..., modules = [ "LibMod1", "LibMod2", ], deps = [ "//:base", "//:template-haskell", ], ) Instead of using the ``srcs`` attribute of ``haskell_library``, each source file gets a ``haskell_module`` rule that is then referenced in the ``modules`` attribute. When a module depends on another module of the same library, the dependency can be expressed in the ``deps`` attribute of the ``haskell_module`` rule. Now, when ``LibMod1.hs`` changes, ``rules_haskell`` can update the ``lib`` target without rebuilding ``LibMod2.hs``, since ``:LibMod2`` doesn't depend on ``:LibMod1``. ``rules_haskell`` can't detect redundant dependencies, but it will produce an error in sandboxed builds if ``:LibMod2`` needs a dependency that hasn't been declared. Dependencies of ``haskell_module`` come in three flavors. Firstly, required modules can be listed in the ``deps`` attribute. Secondly, other libraries are dependencies of the module if they appear listed in the ``deps`` attribute of the enclosing library (that would be ``:lib`` in our example). Finally, the ``haskell_module`` rule can also depend on specific modules from other libraries via the ``cross_library_deps`` attribute.:: haskell_module( name = "Lib2Mod1", src = "src/LibMod1.hs", src_strip_prefix = "src", deps = [":Lib2Mod2"], # Any modules listed here must come from libraries # listed in the narrowed_deps of :lib2 cross_library_deps = [":LibMod2"], ) haskell_module( name = "Lib2Mod2", src = "src/LibMod2.hs", src_strip_prefix = "src", ) haskell_library( name = "lib2", modules = [ "Lib2Mod1", "Lib2Mod2", ], deps = [ "//:base", "//:template-haskell", ], narrowed_deps = [":lib"], ) ``cross_library_deps`` allows to express dependencies on specific modules (like ``:LibMod2``), without the build having to depend on other modules coming from the same library (like ``:LibMod1``). The alternative would be to add ``:lib`` to the ``deps`` attribute of ``:lib2``, but this would cause builds of ``:Lib2Mod1`` and ``:Lib2Mod2`` to depend on all of the modules of ``:lib``, as in the following snippet.:: haskell_module( name = "Lib2Mod1", src = "src/LibMod1.hs", src_strip_prefix = "src", deps = [":Lib2Mod2"], ) haskell_library( name = "lib2", modules = [ "Lib2Mod1", "Lib2Mod2", ], deps = [ ":lib", "//:base", "//:template-haskell", ], ) In order to avoid manually keeping the build configuration in sync with the graph of module imports, there is the `gazelle_haskell_modules`_ tool which analyzes the source code and updates the ``haskell_module`` rules. .. _gazelle_haskell_modules: https://github.com/tweag/gazelle_haskell_modules Generating API documentation ---------------------------- The `haskell_doc`_ rule can be used to build API documentation for a given library (using Haddock). Building a target called ``//my/pkg:mylib_docs`` would make the documentation available at ``bazel-bin/my/pkg/mylib_docs/index/index.html``. Alternatively, you can use the ``@rules_haskell//haskell:defs.bzl%haskell_doc_aspect`` aspect to ask Bazel from the command-line to build documentation for any given target (or indeed all targets), like in the following: .. code-block:: console $ bazel build //my/pkg:mylib \ --aspects @rules_haskell//haskell:defs.bzl%haskell_doc_aspect .. _haskell_doc: https://api.haskell.build/haskell/defs.html#haskell_doc Linting your code ----------------- There is currently no dedicated rule for linting Haskell code. You can apply warning flags using the ``compiler_flags`` attribute, for example :: haskell_library( ... ghcopts = [ "-Werror", "-Wall", "-Wcompat", "-Wincomplete-record-updates", "-Wincomplete-uni-patterns", "-Wredundant-constraints", "-Wnoncanonical-monad-instances", ], ghci_repl_flags = ["-Wwarn"], ) For larger projects it can make sense to define a custom macro that applies such common flags by default. :: common_ghcopts = [ ... ] def my_haskell_library(name, ghcopts = [], ...): haskell_library( name = name, ghcopts = common_ghcopts + ghcopts, ... ) There is currently no builtin support for invoking ``hlint``. However, you can invoke ``hlint`` in a CI step outside of Bazel. Refer to the `hlint documentation`_ for further details. .. _hlint documentation: https://github.com/ndmitchell/hlint#readme Refer to the `rules_haskell issue tracker`__ for a discussion around adding an ``hlint`` rule. .. _hlint issue: https://github.com/tweag/rules_haskell/issues/1140 __ `hlint issue`_ Using conditional compilation ----------------------------- If all downstream users of a library live in the same repository (as is typically the case in the `monorepo`_ pattern), then conditional compilation of any part of the library is typically needed only in limited circumstances, like cross-platform support. Supporting multiple versions of upstream dependencies using conditional compilation is not normally required, because a single set of versions of all dependencies is known *a priori*. For this reason, compiler supplied `version macros`_ are disabled by default. Only libraries with a `version attribute`_ have version macros available during compilation, and only for those dependencies that themselves have a version number (this includes Cabal libraries). Bazel also has support for conditional compilation via the `select construct`_, which can be used to conditionally include source files in rule inputs (e.g. different source files for different platforms). .. _monorepo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monorepo .. _Version macros: https://ghc.gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/doc/users_guide/phases.html#standard-cpp-macros .. _version attribute: https://api.haskell.build/haskell/defs.html#haskell_library.version .. _select construct: https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/configurable-attributes.html Using source code pre-processors -------------------------------- GHC allows any number of pre-processors to run before parsing a file. These pre-processors can be specfied in compiler flags on the command-line or in pragmas in the source files. For example, `hspec-discover`_ is a pre-processor. To use it, it must be a `tools` dependency. You can then use a CPP macro to avoid hardcoding the location of the tool in source code pragmas. Example: :: haskell_test( name = "tests", srcs = ["Main.hs", "Spec.hs"], ghcopts = ["-DHSPEC_DISCOVER=$(location @stackage-exe//hspec-discover)"], tools = ["@stackage-exe//hspec-discover"], deps = ["@stackage//:base"], ) Where ``Spec.hs`` reads: :: {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF HSPEC_DISCOVER #-} .. _hspec-discover: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hspec-discover Checking code coverage ---------------------- "Code coverage" is the name given to metrics that describe how much source code is covered by a given test suite. A specific code coverage metric implemented here is expression coverage, or the number of expressions in the source code that are explored when the tests are run. Haskell's ``ghc`` compiler has built-in support for code coverage analysis, through the hpc_ tool. The Haskell rules allow the use of this tool to analyse ``haskell_library`` coverage by ``haskell_test`` rules. To do so, you have a few options. You can add ``expected_covered_expressions_percentage=`` to the attributes of a ``haskell_test``, and if the expression coverage percentage is lower than this amount, the test will fail. Alternatively, you can add ``expected_uncovered_expression_count=`` to the attributes of a ``haskell_test``, and instead the test will fail if the number of uncovered expressions is greater than this amount. Finally, you could do both at once, and have both of these checks analyzed by the coverage runner. To see the coverage details of the test suite regardless of if the test passes or fails, add ``--test_output=all`` as a flag when invoking the test, and there will be a report in the test output. You will only see the report if you required a certain level of expression coverage in the rule attributes. For example, your BUILD file might look like this: :: haskell_library( name = "lib", srcs = ["Lib.hs"], deps = [ "//tests/hackage:base", ], ) haskell_test( name = "test", srcs = ["Main.hs"], deps = [ ":lib", "//tests/hackage:base", ], expected_covered_expressions_percentage = 80, expected_uncovered_expression_count = 10, ) And if you ran ``bazel coverage //somepackage:test --test_output=all``, you might see a result like this: :: INFO: From Testing //somepackage:test: ==================== Test output for //somepackage:test: Overall report 100% expressions used (9/9) 100% boolean coverage (0/0) 100% guards (0/0) 100% 'if' conditions (0/0) 100% qualifiers (0/0) 100% alternatives used (0/0) 100% local declarations used (0/0) 100% top-level declarations used (3/3) ============================================================================= Here, the test passes because it actually has 100% expression coverage and 0 uncovered expressions, which is even better than we expected on both counts. There is an optional ``haskell_test`` attribute called ``strict_coverage_analysis``, which is a boolean that changes the coverage analysis such that even having better coverage than expected fails the test. This can be used to enforce that developers must upgrade the expected test coverage when they improve it. On the other hand, it requires changing the expected coverage for almost any change. There a couple of notes regarding the coverage analysis functionality: - Coverage analysis currently is scoped to all source files and all locally-built Haskell dependencies (both direct and transitive) for a given test rule. - Coverage-enabled build and execution for ``haskell_test`` targets may take longer than regular. However, this has not effected regular ``run`` / ``build`` / ``test`` performance. .. _hpc: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hpc Profiling --------- Exclusive profiling mode is activated by setting the `compilation mode`_ to ``dbg``. In which case, only the profiling libraries and binaries are compiled (instead of both profiling and non-profiling). In profiling mode, the toolchain libraries only carry their static archives, as no shared libraries are provided. (Tests that strictly require shared objects are disabled in profiling mode.) .. _compilation mode: https://docs.bazel.build/versions/main/user-manual.html#flag--compilation_mode Persistent Worker Mode (experimental) ------------------------------------- Bazel supports the special `persistent worker mode`_ when, instead of calling the compiler from scratch to build every target separately, it spawns a resident process for this purpose and sends all compilation requests to it in the client-server fashion. This worker strategy may improve compilation times. We implemented a worker for GHC using GHC API. .. _persistent worker mode: https://blog.bazel.build/2015/12/10/java-workers.html To activate the persistent worker mode in ``rules_haskell`` the user adds a couple of lines in the ``WORKSPACE`` file to load worker's dependencies: :: load("//tools:repositories.bzl", "rules_haskell_worker_dependencies") rules_haskell_worker_dependencies() Then, the user will add ``--define use_worker=True`` in the command line when calling ``bazel build`` or ``bazel test``. It is worth noting that Bazel's worker strategy is not sandboxed by default. This may confuse our worker relatively easily. Therefore, it is recommended to supply ``--worker_sandboxing`` to ``bazel build`` -- possibly, via your ``.bazelrc.local`` file. Building fully-statically-linked binaries ----------------------------------------- Fully-statically linked binaries have no runtime linkage dependencies and are thus typically more portable and easier to package (e.g. in containers) than their dynamically-linked counterparts. The trade-off is that fully-statically-linked binaries can be larger than dynamically-linked binaries, due to the fact that all symbols must be bundled into a single output. ``rules_haskell`` has support for building fully-statically-linked binaries using Nix-provisioned GHC toolchains and the ``static_runtime`` and ``fully_static_link`` attributes of the ``haskell_register_ghc_nixpkgs`` macro:: load( "@rules_haskell//haskell:nixpkgs.bzl", "haskell_register_ghc_nixpkgs", ) haskell_register_ghc_nixpkgs( version = "X.Y.Z", attribute_path = "staticHaskell.ghc", repositories = {"nixpkgs": "@nixpkgs"}, static_runtime = True, fully_static_link = True, ) Note that the ``attribute_path`` must refer to a GHC derivation capable of building fully-statically-linked binaries. Often this will require you to customise a GHC derivation in your Nix package set. If you are unfamiliar with Nix, one way to add such a custom package to an existing set is with an *overlay*. Detailed documentation on overlays is available at https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Overlays, but for the purposes of this documentation, it's enough to know that overlays are essentially functions which accept package sets (conventionally called ``super``) and produce new package sets. We can write an overlay that modifies the ``ghc`` derivation in its argument to add flags that allow it to produce fully-statically-linked binaries as follows:: let # Pick a version of Nixpkgs that we will base our package set on (apply an # overlay to). baseCommit = "..."; # Pick a Nixpkgs version to pin to. baseSha = "..."; # The SHA of the above version. baseNixpkgs = builtins.fetchTarball { name = "nixos-nixpkgs"; url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/${baseCommit}.tar.gz"; sha256 = baseSha; }; # Our overlay. We add a `staticHaskell.ghc` path matching that specified in # the haskell_register_ghc_nixpkgs rule above which overrides the `ghc` # derivation provided in the base set (`super.ghc`) with some necessary # arguments. overlay = self: super: { staticHaskell = { ghc = (super.ghc.override { enableRelocatedStaticLibs = true; enableShared = false; }).overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: { preConfigure = '' ${oldAttrs.preConfigure or ""} echo "GhcLibHcOpts += -fPIC -fexternal-dynamic-refs" >> mk/build.mk echo "GhcRtsHcOpts += -fPIC -fexternal-dynamic-refs" >> mk/build.mk ''; }); }; }; in args@{ overlays ? [], ... }: import baseNixpkgs (args // { overlays = [overlay] ++ overlays; }) In this example we use the ``override`` and ``overrideAttrs`` functions to produce a GHC derivation suitable for our needs. Ideally, ``enableRelocatedStaticLibs`` and ``enableShared`` should be enough, but upstream Nixpkgs does not at present reliably pass ``-fexternal-dynamic-refs`` when ``-fPIC`` is passed, which is required to generate fully-statically-linked executables. You may wish to base your GHC derivation on one which uses Musl, a C library designed for static linking (unlike glibc, which can cause issues when linked statically). `static-haskell-nix`_ is an example of a project which provides such a GHC derivation and can be used like so:: let baseCommit = "..."; # Pick a Nixpkgs version to pin to. baseSha = "..."; # The SHA of the above version. staticHaskellNixCommit = "..."; Pick a static-haskell-nix version to pin to. baseNixpkgs = builtins.fetchTarball { name = "nixos-nixpkgs"; url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/${baseCommit}.tar.gz"; sha256 = baseSha; }; staticHaskellNixpkgs = builtins.fetchTarball "https://github.com/nh2/static-haskell-nix/archive/${staticHaskellNixCommit}.tar.gz"; # The `static-haskell-nix` repository contains several entry points for e.g. # setting up a project in which Nix is used solely as the build/package # management tool. We are only interested in the set of packages that underpin # these entry points, which are exposed in the `survey` directory's # `approachPkgs` property. staticHaskellPkgs = ( import (staticHaskellNixpkgs + "/survey/default.nix") {} ).approachPkgs; overlay = self: super: { staticHaskell = staticHaskellPkgs.extend (selfSH: superSH: { ghc = (superSH.ghc.override { enableRelocatedStaticLibs = true; enableShared = false; }).overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: { preConfigure = '' ${oldAttrs.preConfigure or ""} echo "GhcLibHcOpts += -fPIC -fexternal-dynamic-refs" >> mk/build.mk echo "GhcRtsHcOpts += -fPIC -fexternal-dynamic-refs" >> mk/build.mk ''; }); }); }; in args@{ overlays ? [], ... }: import baseNixpkgs (args // { overlays = [overlay] ++ overlays; }) If you adopt a Musl-based GHC you should also take care to ensure that the C toolchain used by ``rules_haskell`` also uses Musl; you can do this using the ``nixpkgs_cc_configure`` rule from ``rules_nixpkgs`` and providing a Nix expression that supplies appropriate ``cc`` and ``binutils`` derivations:: nixpkgs_cc_configure( repository = "@nixpkgs", # The `staticHaskell` attribute in the previous example exposes the # Musl-backed `cc` and `binutils` derivations already, so it's just a # matter of exposing them to nixpkgs_cc_configure. nix_file_content = """ with import { config = {}; overlays = []; }; buildEnv { name = "bazel-cc-toolchain"; paths = [ staticHaskell.stdenv.cc staticHaskell.binutils ]; } """, ) With the toolchain taken care of, you can then create fully-statically-linked binaries by enabling the ``fully_static_link`` feature flag, e.g. in ``haskell_binary``:: haskell_binary( name = ..., srcs = [ ..., ], ..., features = [ "fully_static_link", ], ) Note, feature flags can be configured `per target`_, `per package`_, or globally on the `command line`_. .. _static-haskell-nix: https://github.com/nh2/static-haskell-nix .. _per target: https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/be/common-definitions.html#common.features .. _per package: https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/be/functions.html#package.features .. _command line: https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/command-line-reference.html#flag--features Containerization with rules_docker ---------------------------------- Making use of both ``rules_docker`` and ``rules_nixpkgs``, it's possible to containerize ``rules_haskell`` ``haskell_binary`` build targets for deployment. In a nutshell, first we must use ``rules_nixpkgs`` to build a ``dockerTools.buildLayeredImage`` target with the basic library dependencies required to run a typical Haskell binary. Thereafter, we can use ``rules_docker`` to use this as a base image upon which we can layer a Bazel built Haskell binary. Step one is to ensure you have all the necessary ``rules_docker`` paraphernalia loaded in your ``WORKSPACE`` file: :: http_archive( name = "io_bazel_rules_docker", sha256 = "df13123c44b4a4ff2c2f337b906763879d94871d16411bf82dcfeba892b58607", strip_prefix = "rules_docker-0.13.0", urls = ["https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_docker/releases/download/v0.13.0/rules_docker-v0.13.0.tar.gz"], ) load("@io_bazel_rules_docker//toolchains/docker:toolchain.bzl", docker_toolchain_configure="toolchain_configure") To make full use of post-build ``rules_docker`` functionality, we'll want to make sure this is set to the Docker binary's location :: docker_toolchain_configure( name = "docker_config", docker_path = "/usr/bin/docker" ) load("@io_bazel_rules_docker//container:container.bzl", "container_load") load("@io_bazel_rules_docker//repositories:repositories.bzl", container_repositories = "repositories") container_repositories() load("@io_bazel_rules_docker//repositories:deps.bzl", container_deps = "deps") container_deps() Then we're ready to specify a base image built using the ``rules_nixpkgs`` ``nixpkgs_package`` rule for ``rules_docker`` to layer its products on top of :: nixpkgs_package( name = "raw-haskell-base-image", repository = "//nixpkgs:default.nix", # See below for how to define this nix_file = "//nixpkgs:haskellBaseImageDocker.nix", build_file_content = """ package(default_visibility = [ "//visibility:public" ]) exports_files(["image"]) """, ) And finally use the ``rules_docker`` ``container_load`` functionality to grab the Docker image built by the previous ``raw-haskell-base-image`` target :: container_load( name = "haskell-base-image", file = "@raw-haskell-base-image//:image", ) Step two requires that we specify our nixpkgs/haskellBaseImageDocker.nix file as follows :: # nixpkgs is provisioned by rules_nixpkgs for us which we set to be ./default.nix with import { system = "x86_64-linux"; }; # Build the base image. # The output of this derivation will be a Docker archive in the same format as # the output of `docker save` that we can feed to # [container_load](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_docker#container_load) let haskellBase = dockerTools.buildLayeredImage { name = "haskell-base-image-unwrapped"; created = "now"; contents = [ glibc libffi gmp zlib iana-etc cacert ]; # Here we can specify nix-provisioned libraries our haskell_binary products may need at runtime }; # rules_nixpkgs require the nix output to be a directory, # so we create one in which we put the image we've just created in runCommand "haskell-base-image" { } '' mkdir -p $out gunzip -c ${haskellBase} > $out/image '' Step three pulls all this together in a build file to actually assemble our final Docker image. In a BUILD.bazel file, we'll need the following :: load("@io_bazel_rules_docker//cc:image.bzl", "cc_image") load("@io_bazel_rules_docker//container:container.bzl", "container_push") haskell_binary( name = "my_binary, srcs = ["Main.hs"], ghcopts = [ "-O2", "-threaded", "-rtsopts", "-with-rtsopts=-N", ], deps = [ ":my_haskell_library_dep", # for example... # ... ], ) cc_image( name = "my_binary_image", base = "@haskell-base-image//image", binary = ":my_binary", ports = [ "8000/tcp" ], creation_time = "{BUILD_TIMESTAMP}", stamp = True, ) And you may want to use ``rules_docker`` to push your Docker image as follows :: container_push( name = "my_binary_push", image = ":my_binary_image", format = "Docker", registry = "gcr.io", # For example using a GCP GCR repository repository = "$project-name-here/$my_binary_image_label", tag = "{BUILD_USER}", ) *n.b.* Due to the `current inability`_ of Nix to be used on macOS (darwin) for building Docker images, it's currently not possible to build Docker images for Haskell binaries as above using ``rules_docker`` and Nixpkgs on macOS. .. _current inability: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/16696 Following these steps you should end up with a fairly lightweight Docker image, bringing the flexibility of Nix as a Docker base image manager and the power of ``rules_haskell`` for your Haskell build together. Cross-compilation ----------------- Currently, ``rules_haskell`` only supports cross-compiling to ``arm`` on Linux. Cross-compiling requires providing a cross-compiler, telling ``rules_haskell`` about it, and then requesting Bazel to build for the target platform. Ideally, providing a cross-compiler would only require the advice in `Picking a compiler`_. However, the case of ``arm`` requires to configure a few aspects at this time. One has to make available the LLVM tools to the compiler, emulation support needs to be set to enable compilation of Template Haskell splices via an external interpreter, and a compatible C cross-toolchain needs to be given as well for linking. All of this is configured via Nix in the `arm example`_, and the configuration can be copied as is to other projects. Building the cross-compiler from this particular configuration can be avoided by telling Nix to fetch it from the `haskell.nix binary cache`_. .. _arm example: https://github.com/tweag/rules_haskell/blob/master/examples/arm/arm-cross.nix .. _haskell.nix binary cache: https://input-output-hk.github.io/haskell.nix/tutorials/getting-started.html#setting-up-the-binary-cache To tell ``rules_haskell`` about the cross-compiler, we can register it in the `WORKSPACE file `_. :: load( "@rules_haskell//haskell:nixpkgs.bzl", "haskell_register_ghc_nixpkgs", ) haskell_register_ghc_nixpkgs( name = "aarch64", version = "8.10.4", nix_file = "//:arm-cross.nix", attribute_path = "ghc-aarch64", static_runtime = True, exec_constraints = [ "@platforms//cpu:x86_64", "@platforms//os:linux", ], target_constraints = [ "@platforms//cpu:aarch64", "@platforms//os:linux", ], repository = "@nixpkgs", ) This rule indicates the Nix file and the Nix attribute path to reach the cross-compiler. It says to link a static runtime because the cross-compiler doesn't provide dynamic variants of the core libraries. And finally, it specifies the execution and target platform constraints. More information on platform constraints and cross-compilation with Bazel can be found `here `_. When using rules that depend on Cabal, ``rules_haskell`` also needs a compiler targeting the execution platform, so the ``Setup.hs`` scripts can be executed. :: haskell_register_ghc_nixpkgs( name = "x86", version = "8.10.4", attribute_path = "haskell.compiler.ghc8102", exec_constraints = [ "@platforms//cpu:x86_64", "@platforms//os:linux", ], target_constraints = [ "@platforms//cpu:x86_64", "@platforms//os:linux", ], repository = "@nixpkgs", ) Similarly, we need to register the native and cross-toolchains for C. :: nixpkgs_cc_configure( name = "nixpkgs_config_cc_x86", exec_constraints = [ "@platforms//cpu:x86_64", "@platforms//os:linux", ], repository = "@nixpkgs", target_constraints = [ "@platforms//cpu:x86_64", "@platforms//os:linux", ], ) nixpkgs_cc_configure( name = "nixpkgs_config_cc_arm", attribute_path = "cc-aarch64", exec_constraints = [ "@platforms//cpu:x86_64", "@platforms//os:linux", ], nix_file = "//:arm-cross.nix", repository = "@nixpkgs", target_constraints = [ "@platforms//cpu:aarch64", "@platforms//os:linux", ], ) Having the toolchains registered, the last remaining bit is telling Bazel for which platform to build. Building for ``arm`` requires declaring the platform in the `BUILD `_ file. :: platform( name = "linux_aarch64", constraint_values = [ "@platforms//os:linux", "@platforms//cpu:aarch64", ], ) Then we can invoke :: bazel build --platforms=//:linux_aarch64 --incompatible_enable_cc_toolchain_resolution to create the ``arm`` artifact. The flag ``--incompatible_enable_cc_toolchain_resolution`` is necessary to have Bazel use the platforms mechanism to select the C toolchains.